Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Buildings & Grounds


The mission of the Buildings & Grounds Commission is to prepare and maintain the buildings and grounds of St. Peter's Parish Church for worship and historic preservation. Through the utilization of committee member's time and talent, cost effective budget management will be maintained.







This ministry is vital to the care of our gardens, buildings, and grounds. Special projects are on-going that include repairs and enhancements to the Parish Hall. Grounds days are scheduled so that all parishioners can participate in the clean-up and beautification of the grounds.


The Garden Guild focuses on the many flower beds and the Meditation Garden located behind the historic church building. Hundreds of bulbs have been planted and each year brings additional beauty to our gardens.


Special Projects – Projects necessary for the upkeep, repair and general maintenance of the buildings. This may involve painting, sign improvements, light plumbing repairs, etc.
This is on an as needed basis.

Garden Guild – This includes maintenance of Parish House flowerbeds and Meditation Garden. Planting seasonal flowers and weeding on an as needed basis. Maintenance of the grass and other identified areas will be contracted to an independent service.


Parking Shepherd – Certain Christian holidays and other special events at St. Peter’s allow for wonderful attendance. The parking areas are limited and a shepherd(s) will assist with traffic flow and parking direction. This will occur approximately 4 times per year and will take approximately 1 hour.


Snow Removal/Shoveling – Assistance is needed with shoveling sidewalks and parking area during inclement weather. Application of rock salt and/or other products on slippery walkways. This will be on an as needed basis.

Cemetery - Assistance is needed to manage and control the areas available within the cemetery that are for sale.

Grounds Days – All parishioners are asked to participate on designated days to help with general yard cleanup, mulching, and planting.