Getting Involved
Are you wondering how you can help at St. Peter's? Are you thinking it's time you got involved? Whether you are new to St. Peter's or have been coming all of your life, there is a place for you to give of your time and share your talents. You may be asked to help on a specific committee or event. If not, don't be shy. It's up to you to take the first step. There are many opportunities to help and to join in the fellowship of other parishioners.
There are several sources to learn about St. Peter's and where you might like to help. You can start by reading the weekly ePistle. You'll usually find a request for help by one or two committees. For instance, there may be a request for Garden Guild workers or you may be hearing about help needed with Vacation Bible School.
Another resource is our website. It provides information about how we are organized and the many committees and programs. See one that interests you but you don't know who to talk to? Contact your Vestry representative or any member of the Vestry. They will be happy to help you. You don't know who your Vestry representative is or who is on the Vestry? Then talk to Fr. Steve. He will guide you in the right direction. Almost all that you see going on at St. Peter's is done by and through volunteers. Please consider getting involved.