Congregational Care
The mission of the Congregational Care Commission is to extend the boundaries of St. Peter's beyond the church grounds to minister to the spiritual needs of those parishioners who cannot attend regular worship services and to offer practical assistance to those members of our parish experiencing short-term need.
Staff Support: Rector (804-932-4846) or Sherri Hardiman (804-932–4846)
Prayer Chain Ministry -- The St. Peter's Prayer Chain is a group of people that have been called to the ministry of praying for others on a regular and ongoing basis. They have committed themselves to pray regularly, confidentially, and individually for the people and concerns that are requested of them. They form part of a chain through which God's love flows and they circulate prayer requests and results among themselves via a communications chain. We are offering our hearts as channels, through which the healing Love of God may be directed to those for whom we are praying. We put one hand in the hand of Jesus and the other in the hand of the person(s) we are praying for, believing that the Love can flow through us to him/her/them.
College Students Ministry –This ministry will conduct regular correspondence throughout the year to college students of St. Peter’s by special handmade cards, special notes, and exam kits.
Home Parishioners Ministry – This ministry is a very fulfilling ministry meeting the great need of the elderly and others who cannot physically attend church in person. Some of our parishioners are still in their own homes, while others are in nursing homes. Volunteers make home visits, place phone calls, send hand-written notes and deliver gifts throughout the year. During the visits, members take prayer request from them, spend time talking with them and to just be there for them as support on a regular basis. We try to help them with whatever they need. It means so much to them, but more often it is more of a blessing to those doing the visits. The senior shut-ins have so many stories and so much to offer and teach us. They are wonderful, beautiful angels from God.
Eucharistic Visitor Ministry of St. Peter’s: Matt Dolci
Contact: Rector (804-932-4846)
Birthday & Special Occasion Cards – Cards are sent to those celebrating birthdays and special occasions (e.g., anniversaries, births, or graduation).
Contact: Harriett Leech
Ministry for the Military
The Vestry has approved the organization of a Ministry for the Military at St Peter’s. The objectives of this ministry will be to identify current active service, and all veterans of military service members of St Peter’s; to recognize all former members of St Peter’s who served in the armed forces by placing flags/wreaths on gravesites in St Peter’s Cemetery on proper occasions and holidays; and, to serve as a central resource for information about any veterans needing assistance in our local area. We need several volunteers to help with this ministry. If you would like to serve, don’t worry--you don’t need to be a veteran to help, all are welcome.
Contact: Jess Fowler
Meal Team Ministry
When people in our church go through surgeries, illnesses, new births or family losses, a nice home-cooked meal can be one of the best ways to show the support and encouragement of our church family.
Being a Meal Team Ministry member simply means that you will receive emails and calls whenever there is a person or family in need of meals for a short period of time. You will have the option to select an evening to cook and/or deliver a meal. If your schedule at that time doesn't allow you to help, that's alright, just pass on the request and help next time.
Journeying through Grief Ministry
In the first year after the loss of a loved one, a series of four very helpful books are mailed to the family.